Estimates and Expenses

Based on the information and circumstances we were aware of at the time of the estimate, our estimate represents an indication of the costs expected to be spent. Despite our best efforts to assure the accuracy of the estimate, the costs could change, especially if third parties adjust their rates or fees.

Prior to the funeral, we might not be able to predict the cost of third-party expenses; however, we will offer you our best guess on the written estimate. The final report will include specific information about the charges, including their real cost.

Dates and Times

Until final reservations are made and confirmed, none of the dates or times listed on the estimate can be guaranteed.

Despite our best efforts to serve you quickly and effectively, there may be times when, due to events beyond our control, we are unable to meet our responsibilities to you on the date or time mentioned.

In this situation, we’ll make an effort to get in touch with you ahead of time and let you know about available options.

Payment Arrangements

Funeral accounts for the “Bespoke Funeral Service” by Russell Britland Funeral Services Limited are due in two instalments. Unless otherwise agreed by us in advance in writing, the rest of the estimated costs is due 14 days after the dated invoice and the first half is due five working days before the funeral.

Unless otherwise agreed by us in writing, funeral accounts for the “Simple Funeral Service” offered by Russell Britland Funeral Services Limited, “Direct Cremation Funeral Service,” or funerals planned in accordance with the Standardised Price List, must be paid in full five working days before the funeral.

In the event that you don’t pay us in full by the deadline, we may charge interest;

calculated (daily) from the date of our account until payment, at a rate of 4% over our bank’s base rate, compounded on the first day of each month, and before and after any judgement (unless a Court orders otherwise).

We reserve the right to recoup the expense of filing a lawsuit to collect any unpaid debt.


If you violate any of your commitments under these Terms, you undertake to fully compensate us and hold us harmless from all costs and liabilities we may incur, either directly or indirectly.

This means that you are responsible for compensating us for any losses we suffer as a result of your failure to abide by these Terms. As an illustration, if you write us a check that is later returned unpaid or if we write to remind you that an account is past due, we will charge you a reasonable administration fee.

If we hire debt collectors, we may additionally seek payment from you for the costs we incur. On request, additional information about these fees is available. If we must file a lawsuit, we will petition the court to order you to pay our legal fees. We may at any time seek reimbursement for those losses from you. We are unable to assume responsibility for circumstances that are completely beyond our control at Russell Britland Funeral Services Limited.

General Data Protection Regulation

When you submit us with personal information (hereafter referred to as “data”), we respect the confidentiality of that information and make sure that it is maintained securely, in strict confidence, and processed only to the extent necessary to offer our services.

We may need to share this data with third parties in order to provide our services, and those third parties may need to get in touch with you directly if they are handling some of your service needs. You have the right to know what personal information we have on you and the ability to request a copy of it in writing from us. Please see the Privacy Policy, which is available on our website, for more details.


In the event that you breach any of your obligations under these Terms, we retain the right to stop providing services. Until we receive your written instructions, we are not required to accept your termination.

All third-party fees that we have already paid or committed to will be invoiced to you if you or we decide to stop following your instructions. Additionally, you will be required to pay our fees and costs in accordance with the scale outlined below: –

  • Termination within two days of the service delivery deadline 100 percent of the fees due
  • Termination within a week of the service delivery deadline 80 percent of the costs due
  • Termination within two weeks of the service delivery deadline 50 percent of the expenses due

Right to cancel (applies if funeral plans are made at the residence of the client)

If you change your mind, you can terminate the agreement. This right may be exercised at any moment throughout the 14-day period beginning on the day of the funeral planning meeting by hand-delivering a letter to our office confirming your instructions. If the service is rendered in full before the 14-day cancellation period has passed, the right to cancel is forfeited during that time.

Depending on the circumstances, payment may be necessary for any services rendered or expenses incurred after the contract has started to be performed but before the cancellation notification has been received.


We are required to offer a high quality service in all respects under the SAIF Code of Practice. However, if you have any queries or issues with the service we offer you, kindly address them to Russell Britland, our Managing Director, first. Contact SAIF, which offers impartial conciliation and arbitration, if he does not address the issue to your satisfaction.

SAIF Business Centre
3 Bullfields
CM21 9DB

0345 230 6777 or 01279 726 777
01279 726 300


Your continued compliance with our terms of business will be deemed your continued acceptance of them. Any modification or waiver of these terms will not be enforceable unless and until:

produced (or recorded), specifically declaring an intention to alter these Terms, and signed by our Managing Director.
Your instructions won’t result in the creation of any rights that would be enforced (under the terms of the 1999 Contracts Rights of Third Parties Act) by anyone who isn’t listed as our customer.

If any of the following clauses cannot be enforced as written:

If it would be enforceable if amended, it will be viewed as having been amended; otherwise, it will not affect the enforcement of any other provision of these Terms.
There is no restriction or limitation on our liability for death or personal injury in these Terms.

Any agreement concluded in reliance on these Terms shall be governed by English law. The jurisdiction of the English and Welsh Courts is not exclusive.